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Don’t Look At Me

Don’t Look At Me

The last month has been an incredible last chapter of the pre-publication journey. As one journey ends, the next begins. That has forced me out of my comfort zone quite a bit, giving me a strong sense of “Look at my book, but don’t look at me!”...


Preorders are up! Times are exciting around here. Check the Books page for currently-available purchase links. There’s a lot going on personally but the fact that my book is live on Amazon is consuming much of my attention right now. There’s a campaign...


Writing and publishing are a long road that requires a lot of patience. I’ve known this for a long time, but I was reminded this week of how true that is when I had to pull back on the publishing throttle. I had to delay back pushing The Button. In exchange,...
Business Chaos

Business Chaos

The last week has been consumed with working through business chaos. I say that because there has just been a lot going on. I found my book aggregator in IngramSpark after diving deep into Draft2Digital and finding that they won’t fit my needs. Plans are also...


This week was an exciting one for me as I revealed my debut novel’s title to my newsletter subscribers. Next week, it goes out to the public on social media. The cover reveal will follow soon in similar fashion, so if you want to get in on the exclusives, sign...