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Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 0Total Queries: 35Rejections: 11 Scenes Mapped: 8Total Scenes: 329 I got some work done last night which was great. I realized there was a set of scenes I had forgotten about that start to propel Uma’s arc so I’m working...


Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 0Total Queries: 35Rejections: 10 Scenes Mapped: 2Total Scenes: 321 I got a little writing done yesterday in and amongst feeling like absolute garbage from a massive allergy attack over the last couple of days. I’m feeling much...


Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 0Total Queries: 35Rejections: 10 Scenes Mapped: 4Total Scenes: 319 I’m still working through the “foreword” of the Guide to Literary Agents 2019 so querying is still on pause. As for mapping, I would have gotten...


Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 0Total Queries: 35Rejections: 9 Scenes Mapped: 0Total Scenes: 315 Man! That Mystery genre post last night took forever to write. I didn’t realize how unskilled I was with it until I tried to write about it. This says to me...


Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 0Total Queries: 35Rejections: 9 Scenes Mapped: 11Total Scenes: 315 Yesterday was a bangin’ mapping day. Querying is kind of on hold while I read the Guide. Mapping however continues in earnest. Last night was great because I...