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Diction is Hard – HARD 4

Diction is Hard – HARD 4

Sorry we missed each other last week. Work was bananas busy and I just didn’t have the time to write this blog. I hate it when that happens! Now that I’m back, we’re going to get into a more advanced topic. Diction is hard. Let’s chat about...
Consistency is Hard

Consistency is Hard

This topic could not be more relevant. If you’ve been here for a while, you know I’ve been struggling with consistent writing production. At the same time, making timelines and motivations and development all jive has been equally difficult. Suffice it to...
Calendars are Hard

Calendars are Hard

Time goes by so fast. I can’t believe it’s already July, already Tuesday again. It’s just another reminder that calendars are hard. Fortunately, that’s our topic today so at least my head is in the right place. Personally, I may not have a blog...
Pacing is Hard

Pacing is Hard

Today, we start a new series: Hard. I’m going to dive into a number of topics about why writing, and life in general, is hard and how to deal with that. Today, we start with why pacing is hard. Before that, though, I want to apologize for missing the last two...


Entitled is a tricky word. It carries a lot of connotations with it. Today, we’re going to focus on the more positive end of the word, even if the message is a little bit darker. Strap in. It’s going to be interesting. Sorry I’ve been out the last...