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The last month has been an incredible last chapter of the pre-publication journey. As one journey ends, the next begins. That has forced me out of my comfort zone quite a bit, giving me a strong sense of “Look at my book, but don’t look at me!” Coming out of my introverted shell has required a shoehorn, but it is going well. In seven days, we’ll see just how well.

Drawing from the Well

I took a trip last week and got a lot of editing done on the plane. Beyond that, I’ve put renewed focus on getting through this arc. I’m getting close. That said, the more I read, the rougher this draft feels. I’ve got good ideas to refine and revise it, but there’s definitely a LOT of work to do. This was a hard first draft to write, hardest yet, so I’m not surprised that it needs help. We’ll get there.

Arc I: 64/64
Arc II: 43/60
Arc III Part I: 0/24
Arc III Part II: 0/31
Arc IV: 0/43
Arc V: 0/59
Interstitia: 0/11
Total: 107/291

Filling the Well

Even though it’s been almost two weeks, I’ve only finished 3 books. I’m starting to worry about hitting my 100-book goal this year. This week, I’m gonna knuckle down (haha, release week? really? psh. ok.) and get caught up. For now, I read Taming Fire by Aaron Pogue. It was…fine. It was just a little too on the nose for me. Then there was Firebolt and Thunderlight by Adrienne Woods. Those are GREAT! The mysteries are intriguing and keep the pages turning and there’s enough magic and steam to fill in the rest. I’m looking forward to Frostbite, Book 3 in that series, next.

81/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022

Not a lot to say here. We’re keeping up with current TV (which is A LOT of Law & Order) and finishing up Ink Master. We just finished the finale of the new season and, I don’t know, I have feelings about it. I’m not mad at who won, just how it went down. Hopefully, Season 15 is a whole new crop of artists and see a new star rise.

Dragonflight Pre-Patch is here! Well, Part 1 is. I’ve spent some time tinkering with the updated systems and find myself pretty happy with it. We’ll see how it all ages, but I’m pumped for more content. Next up on the 15th is Dracthyr Evokers and the updated Uldaman dungeon. It’s going to be a trip. And MLA is still fun.

Well Chat

What I’ve felt lately is an outgrowth of Imposter Syndrome. This is common with writers and hits me from time to time too. It’s pronounced effect this week, though, has come from me putting myself out there more than normal. I post on social media regularly, at least a few times a week. This is it to show the highs and lows of the writing process, put out tips and quotes, and to promote my art. Most of the time, it’s in the form of still images, especially NOT of me.

This week has been quite the opposite. I’ve posted multiple videos of unboxings and details about the launch. It is like watching someone else use my body and voice to talk about my stuff. And I just want to tell him to stop it. I don’t, of course. I suppress that urge. The surreality of it all has been strong this week, though. It all feels real, finally. And too real. And like someone else’s life. I’ve never felt such a profound sense of other, especially with something I’ve created.

It’s a dream come true and maybe that’s just the issue. It feels like I’m walking through my own dream. I see myself on video on social media and I look more confident than I feel. I see my book on Amazon and appear more capable than I believe. It’s all coming together and there’s still a voice inside saying, “Shouldn’t it all be falling apart?”

I want everyone to see the book (I want you to buy it too!). I’m beyond proud of it and cant wait to hear what you think of it. That’s the book, though. Me, I don’t feel like I need to be on camera. I do, but that imposter voice in me says otherwise. I’ve done what for me is the hard thing, though, and have found good response.

I say all this to say that if you are like me and feel odd in public and alien in front of a lens, do the hard thing and put yourself out there. People will be excited for you; they probably already are. My wife told me this week that I am probably inspiring someone to go on this same journey for themselves. You could be the inspiration for someone else to take the terrifying leap into presenting their art to the world. Have confidence. The world wants to see your magnificent masterpiece.

And it is magnificent. Stop telling yourself that it isn’t. You’re great. Let the world see just how much.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.