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Drawing from the Well

Queries: 69 (+0)
Rejections: 60 (+0)

Fourth Eighth
Chapter 40/91
Scene 243/508 – 47.8%
Word Count: 60,290 (+1,510) – 47.64%

Filling the Well

The Emperor’s Blades: 72%
Mortal Engines: 62%

Well Chat

As you can see, the last week-plus has been abysmal for progressing toward my goals here. Yep, Christmas claimed me. I’m trying to get back on the train now, hence the blog today (also very late, SORRY!). So let’s take a look at 2019 and what has come and gone. I certainly can’t get THAT wrong, right?

PROFESSIONALLY, I was tentatively and then permanently promoted to the manager of my team. That has been a huge learning curve and bit of a hard road but I am so fulfilled by what I’m doing. We have a long row to hoe to get to where I’m taking us but we’re making progress. I have the best data team in the world and couldn’t be prouder of every single person I work with. 2020 is going to be a big year for us.

BOOKISHLY, I read more books than I’ve ever read in a single year. Were some of them short stories? Sure, but I read them. Last year I BARELY made my reading goal of 25 books; this year I busted through that with 41. Next year, we’re bumping that to 36 (which is 3 a month so nice round math there). Let’s see what I can really do when I put my mind to it. I’d LOVE to crack 50 in a year. V.E. Schwab astounds me with her hundred-book goal per year. The fact that she’s chewing through 14 books in the last 10 days of the year boggles my mind.

WRITERLY, I queried, seriously, for the second time in my life. It hasn’t gone well but I still learned a lot. In the process I also have done a lot of research about self-publishing and am seriously considering it as my route to publication. Additionally, I wrote the first half of the second novel in this series and it’s shaping up to be far better than the first. I also met a real-life published author who has become a friend and (hopefully soon) critique partner. Again, 2020 is looking to be a huge year for me in this regard.

PERSONALLY, it’s also been a big year. My wife’s business has been growing all year culminating with her opening her office last month. That’s been a lot of work but it is already showing its worth. We saw many plays including HAMILTON! Alexis performed on stage for the first time. We saw elephants up close and personal. I fed a rhino! (That’s one of my top two favorite animals in the whole world – the other being hippos) We spent several days in Key West including the Hemingway house and dolphins. We welcomed another exchange student into our home who was lovely. All this and so much more. I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings our way.

So there’s 2019, in the books. Next week, right before New Year’s, I’ll do my DECADE in review. That will be an interesting ride. This last decade from 25-35 has seen my life become unrecognizable from start to finish. I look forward to the walk down memory lane and hope you come with me. For now, Merry Christmas and have a great weekend.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.