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It’s been a while since I posted a blog thanks to an exciting update: we’ve got a new blog location! Welcome home to my new website. It’s time to get back on track and share lots of updates. Let’s dig in.

On the personal front, it’s been a lot this month. We adopted a kitten, went on an incredible trip to NYC, and said goodbye to our beloved dog Molly. It has been a month of extremes.


Drawing from the Well

I’ve done a lot of writing this past month. I finished Meibor’s entire character arc and started the fifth and final arc. It was a lot and it feels awesome. I even got a 10k day in recently. I’m excited to finish this first, difficult draft of Book III. It has been an arduous journey and I’m excited to move onto editing. I know I sound like a crazy person saying that, but refinement is fun for me. Here’s where we stand:

Scenes: 201/231
Words: 117,788/~135,000

On the publishing front, things are moving forward. You’re reading this on the new website. That’s a huge step. I’m gearing up for my first newsletter deployment. That’s another.

And the cover



This is beyond big for me. The final materials are being polished, but the publication machine is moving. And I AM STOKED! I can’t wait for you all to see what’s coming.


Filling the Well

I’m behind again. With all the traveling and life events discussed above, I’ve fallen behind pace but am working my way through. That said, I’m not far behind. Since my last post, I’ve finished seven books: the entire Georgina Kincaid series and The Ten Equations That Rule the World. Two books (series) could not be more different. One was hot, steamy, and magical, and the other was grounded, mathematical, and philosophical. I liked both, though Ten probably spoke to my soul more. I definitely want to chew through more books now that things are calming down. For now, we continue with Rebel of the Sands and Dreamlander.

55/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022

My wife and I finished Ink Master which was interesting and entertaining. The final season ended at the beginning of the pandemic so it was unexpected to say the least. We look forward to the show coming back soon. Now we’re back into rewatching Madam Secretary which is an outstanding show.

The Dragonflight Alpha is in full swing. It’s exciting to see all the details come out after each round of updates. I’m eager for the new expansion. In the meantime, I play Shadowlands here and there to relax and fill the well.


Well Chat

There isn’t a real topic today. As I said, it’s been a long month since my last blog post. I’ve made progress on a lot of aspects of writing, publishing, and business. We covered all that above.

Bringing a book into physical reality is a long road composed of countless steps. We’ve discussed so many of them here, but I’m approaching the last few. It’s going to be an exciting few months leading up to the pinnacle of all my efforts. This dream, and it is just that, has been a long time coming. I can’t wait to see it’s end right along with all of you.

Next week, we’ll get back to topical posts. Keep your eyes here for updates. If you want the earliest announcements, and that’s before it shows up on social media, subscribe to my newsletter. See you there.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.