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Drawing from the Well

Queries Sent: 0
Total Queries: 16
Rejections: 2

Scenes Arranged: 0
Total Scenes: 237

Yeah, no progress yesterday. It was more of a “filling” day rather than a “drawing” day and that’s okay.

Filling the Well

1984: 6:11/11:30 (54%)
A Good War: Page 58/92

Wow! The part I’m listening to in 1984 came out of nowhere and provides the perfect lens to create a counterpoint to the status quo. This has gotten really interesting the last few hours. As for A Good War, it’s cool seeing scenes I’ve already read from the other perspective. I know who some of these nameless Alliance characters are and it makes the story more poignant. I wonder what it would have been like reading the Horde side first.

Polishing the Well

The only real “polishing” that went on yesterday was working late. That said, my new strategy of holding to relatively fixed office hours for regular work is working wonders. I’m not getting lost in the abyss of data until 6:30. Most days, by 5:15 I’m off and with my family. It’s pretty great.

Well Chat

What’s Available for your Writing Arsenal?

I know we just finished a series, but we’re going to start another one! I want to step back from the craft of writing and talk for a little bit about the crafting element. And I know I’ve got a picture of various writing implements up there (including a crayon? nice inclusion of all ages), but we’re going to talk about different physical writing tools for a few days.

Just like with the last series, I’ll tell you where we’re headed. Spoiler: I know nothing about Scrivener so I won’t be discussing that at all. I use yWriter and will focus there…when we get there. So here’s the plan:

  1. Pencil/Pen/Paper/Notebooks
  2. Notecards (by hand and template)
  3. Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, and Access)
  4. Online Products (Pro Writing Aid, Campfire, and WordPress)
  5. yWriter (it may take me a couple of days to get through this one)

There are gads of other tools out there, but these are the ones with which I have experience and am comfortable exploring on the digital page. Some of these choices may surprise you, but I’ve used or at least researched all of these so don’t be scared that there’s so much up there.

This may not interest some of you, but it does me. It has taken me a decade to settle into the right mix of tools for my writing style so I want to share the things I’ve tried and researched to help you along the way. NOTE: THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY TO WRITE! If it’s words on paper and it feels good, you’re doing it right.

Also, remember to realize that your process will evolve over time. I’ve heard many authors say that each book is a new adventure in technique and some are like starting all over. So it’s okay if you’re a little lost. I’m here to give you some guideposts. Talk to you tomorrow.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.