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Drawing from the Well

Queries Sent: 1
Total Queries: 32
Rejections: 8

Scenes Mapped: 1
Total Scenes: 300

We were JUST talking about milestones yesterday and then I hit 300 scenes. Pretty cool. At least I’m starting to make progress again. Plus, now that I’m on vacation, I should have a bunch more time to query and write. I’m pretty excited about it.

Filling the Well

Bloodwitch: 28%
The Raven Boys: 78%

I was shocked that I got some major listening time in yesterday. Raven Boys is heating up as it approaches the climax. I’m loving it. I should get some more time today to read and listen. We’ll see how it goes.

Polishing the Well

Today is my first day of my Staycation! Plus the kids left today to church camp so my wife and I have a kid-free week. We have several things planned and it’s going to be great. I’m already feeling better and more relaxed than I have in a long time.

Well Chat

Big Idea – Here We Go

Last month, I wrote one blog series and managed to accomplish my goal of writing a blog post every single day of the month. As I approached the end of the month, I started thinking about what my next goal would be. The first question that came to mind to answer was “What haven’t I done yet?”

So I went back through my Blog Archive looking at what I had done before. In May, I had written one series and the same for April. March I didn’t write any while in February I wrote two. January I hadn’t even thought of writing a Blog Series before because I was just getting started.

And then it hit me.

I’ve written a whole month and I’ve written every post in a calendar month uniquely without crafting a series at all. So why not fly in the other direction and write EVERY post in a month within a series.

No, I’m not writing a 30-post series. I don’t have a sufficiently good, high-quality idea for that to work that long. I had a few ideas for blog series floating around so instead of spreading them out, you’re going to get them back to back to back.

That’s right! June is going to be posts centered around three series topics:

  1. Genre Exploration: We’re going to go through several different literary genres, what makes them unique, what makes them similar, and what I love and hate about them.
  2. Stratasphere: I’m going to put some serious detail into my Stratasphere concept and clarify some things that aren’t clear in the existing pinned post.
  3. Alternative Story Structures: My first Story Structure series went into detail for the Three Act structure that I called “The Eighths.” What I’ve learned is that there are MANY other story structure frameworks out there so I’m going to research them and then tell you what I learn.

It’s going to be interesting and is going to take some research on my part to keep it all going, but I’m really excited to try this all out. In addition, if I pull this off the way I’ve planned, that’ll make two solid months of posts. Come along with me on this journey and let’s see what we learn.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.