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It has been a great couple of weeks. All of it leads up to this week when the book tour begins. I haven’t been this excited, especially about my writing, in a very long time. By the next blog, I’ll have results to report. I pray they’re encouraging.

Beyond that, I met two local authors recently. They were lovely people and it was wonderful to connect with those on similar journeys to mine. We intend to meet again soon and possibly create something even larger. When there’s more to speak about on that, I will do so, happily. For now, all I can do is advise you to find those in your local community and connect. It can put wind in your sails when you find yourself in the doldrums.

AND I got to stock my book in the indie section of a local bookstore, Inklings Book Shoppe. It was surreal, like much of this publication journey. Every step is a big one right now.

Drawing from the Well

These last weeks, I’ve put time in on Arc IV. It appears to be overly choppy in the plotting so there’s a lot of connective tissue I need to add in the Second Edit. Still, the bones are largely strong. There’s definitely some “calcium” I can add to fortify the plot, but I’ll get there. At this point, I just see a lot of work ahead of me on this arc in particular. Things are moving along, though.

Arc I: 64/64
Arc II: 60/60
Arc III Part I: 24/24
Arc III Part II: 31/31
Arc IV: 23/44
Arc V: 0/59
Interstitia: 0/11
Total: 202/291

Filling the Well

I finally caught back up! Five books this week brought me back up to par. I’m starting to itch to finish Dreamlander as it has been a VERY long time in reading it and it’s getting quite good. Maybe this week I’ll push to finish it. Ya know, in the middle of the book signing tour. 😉

Still, I finished Starlight, which was great, if angsty in the middle. It was an excellent conclusion to the Dragonian series. After that, I read Libra in the Silver Blood series which was a mistake since it was Book 13 in its series. I didn’t know that. After that, I read the entire Singing Hills Cycle that’s been published to date. It was good and metaphorical. I would have liked to read it in paper to get a full feel for the world. Now, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet has been outstanding so far. It’s had enough room to breathe which has brought me great enjoyment. I look forward to finishing it and seeing what the rest of its series holds this week.

90/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022

We watched a bunch of older movies lately, two of which I had never seen. All of them were wonderful so it’s been a great week. We’re also working through the latest season of The Crown, for the first time for me and the second for my wife. It’s great and wild. Fact really is stranger than fiction.

Dragonflight launches tomorrow night! It’s an incredibly exciting time in the game. I look forward to seeing what is in store in the Dragon Isles.

Well Chat

As I said at the top, the book signing tour begins this week. I am so excited to meet current and potential readers and make an impact with this book. For starters, here are the details:

The first signing is tomorrow (by the time this posts). I will offer a book and bookmark bundle, with both signed, for $25. If you’re able to make it, I would love to meet you.

This three-stop tour is already bigger than I ever imagined. It’s vitally important to me and yet beyond my dreams. I feel like the tour legitimizes me as an author. It almost seems that every step has brought me closer to that feeling. Professional edit, cover art, professional-level formatting, proof copy, bookmarks, Amazon listing, and now this. It all brings this dream closer to earth.

If you miss these dates, this won’t be my last tour. I’m already working on another in ’23. Keep your eyes trained here for those updates.

It’s going to be a great time so I would love to see you out there. Have a great week and be well.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.