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Drawing from the Well

STILL nothing. That said, I’m finally catching up on things so I should be able to get some writing in soon. I’m hoping tonight, but might not be until tomorrow. However, that’s not stopping new ideas from percolating. I’m noodling the Second Pinch Points that are fast approaching and starting to weave my characters’ stories together within each of those moments. Should be a fantastic ride.

Filling the Well

1984: 87%
Bloodwitch: 17%
The Raven Boys: 23%

I’m making progress in 1984 and it is frightening. The darkness as I approach the end is appalling. It is turning the dystopian vision of the fake news future (present?) into terrifying totalitarian state. It makes me wonder how precariously we are positioned as a nation that we could tip over into that. The truth is so important and yet is so trivialized these days. Something to think about.

Polishing the Well

It has been a busy week already. Today was no exception. My wife and I got to celebrate our daughter’s success in 7th grade at her awards ceremony. Then tonight we went to a minor league baseball game with friends and had a great time in wonderful evening Florida weather. It’s days like this that make us all so grateful we live in the Sunshine State.

Well Chat

No Author is an Island

I would not be here if not for a group of wonderful, loving people. Neither would you. Neither would anyone. None of us conjured ourselves into existence nor exist without interaction with others. Some try, but if you’re any degree of successful, it is because you are surrounded by people who support you in all you do.

This is especially important for authors. Writing is a solitary activity. Granted, sometimes authors collaborate on novels and publish them jointly, but that is rare in comparison to the majority of published novels. Even then, many collaborations are born out of long distance cooperation rather than spending a week together in a cabin and coming out with a novel. Writing is lonely, but living an author’s life shouldn’t be.

For years, I have ascribed to the idea of balance. My mother always said “variety is the spice of life” and “all things in moderation.” As I age, I keep finding those words of wisdom to be true. The more individual things I do, the more fulfilled I feel. Gluttony and excess in anything leads to guilt. Why? Because deep down, you know that something isn’t right. Writing is no different. Although there are times where you go down into the depths to create something difficult and beautiful, that should not be the norm. That type of obsession can lead to other parts of your life languishing. That isn’t good either. That’s why you need people to ground you.

That’s right, people. Not other activities. Not pets. Not TV shows or movies or even books. It takes people living lives different from yours to keep bringing you back to reality (yes, writing IS a fantasy; fiction is just that: made-up). It’s important to have like-minded people around you too (we’ll talk about the power of community tomorrow), but we all need lifesavers.

For me, this is my wife and kids. Yeah, it sounds banal but it’s true. And, honestly, they empower me. When you have no support at home or in social circles, you start to feel like you’re screaming into the void (yes, even more than normal). You don’t get feedback or comfort. You’re isolated on an island of your own making. Even Twitter interactions won’t completely fill that hole. You need humans, faces, hugs. Yes, hugs.

Now, if you live alone, you have to work a little harder. You need to get out and see friends. Make time for family, especially outside of holiday gatherings. Talk about things other than writing. Talk about people other than you. This will give you a wider worldview and lighten your burden. No matter what you’re going through, there is SOMEONE out there that is going through something that will appear worse to you. No. Matter. What. Plus, even if your burdens are heaviest, it’ll be lighter with a friend to share it.

How strong is your support system? How wide is your circle of trust? As sacrilegious as it sounds, STOP WRITING and go feed into someone else and let them feed into you. A rising tide raises all boats, so go find some new water.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about a different turn on this topic: building a community for questions, comments, and commiseration.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.