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Drawing from the Well

Scenes Arranged: 12
Total Scenes: 136

I’m past the quarter-way-point! It feels so good to put that behind me. The next eighth feels pretty difficult as I don’t have as much planned out. I’m putting together some things that need to happen before the First Pinch, but it’s taking some real work to get there.

Filling the Well

The Only Harmless Great Thing: 100% (9 of 25 for #ProjectBookworm2019)
That Hideous Strength: 1%
Sightwitch: 19%

The Only Harmless Great Thing was a sad biopic on humans’ interaction with animals, especially when I figured out that there was a time element involved.

Haven’t listened to any more of That Hideous Strength yet. Sightwitch is a different kettle of fish from Truthwitch or Windwitch but I like it. The mystery of what’s going on has me enthralled. I can’t wait to see what happens.

Polishing the Well

I’m home! I’ve been out of town on business for the last couple of days. It’s so good to be back home in my own space. I slept better last night than I have in two days. Now, I’ve got to get back in the swing of things. And that’s where today’s discussion topic comes in…

Well Chat

The Impact of Routine on Time Management

So I missed a day while I was out of town. You may have noticed; you may not. Regardless, this boiled down to a lack of routine for me. Knowing I have time for this blog every morning helps level set me for the day and ease me into the business of life. While out of town, routine did not exist. You do what is required because you’re there on the company’s dollar. Frankly, I barely got yesterday’s blog in either.

So what does this mean for your daily life?

We all have routines. We have a process we go through each day to start, conduct, and end our days. Are you getting everything done each day that you want to complete? Great! Congratulations! You are a unicorn. For the rest of us, answer two questions:

  1. When do you tend to have the most energy?
  2. Where can you identify times you are wasting time?

Once you figure those out, leverage them. For me, I have the most energy first thing in the morning. I’ve slept. I’m energized. By night, the other opportunity in my day, I’m exhausted most days. That would be foolish for me to try to leverage a time I typically am tired and often have other things to do. I also found I was wasting time between taking each of my kids to school. So I capitalized on it and started writing my blog each morning. Now it is my routine, my habit, and it works. But if my routine is off, I have to work really hard to shoehorn it in (despite my desire).

So flexibility is important, but so is habit-building. It’s a delicate balance, as most are. I know this is a shorter blog today. I promise you a better one when I settle back into my routine. Be well.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.