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This week was an exciting one for me as I revealed my debut novel’s title to my newsletter subscribers. Next week, it goes out to the public on social media. The cover reveal will follow soon in similar fashion, so if you want to get in on the exclusives, sign up on my Contact page! Reveals are really important for getting people excited for a publication, so let’s talk about executing them.

Drawing from the Well

Last week, I went BANANAS writing and pulled off another 10k day! It felt great. I’m getting close to finishing the arc. Then it’s just a few interstitial scenes…aw, man. Hang on a bit…

Okay. Fixed. That’s 11 more scenes to write, but it’s all scheduled after the last full arc is finished. It’ll all make sense when the book comes out. For now, lots going into this book and I’m stoked to finish it.

Scenes: 217/246
Words: 129,231/~146,500 (88.21%)

As I said above, I revealed my title this week to newsletter subscribers! Next week, it’ll go out to the public. More reveals are yet to come and I’m so excited to get there.

Filling the Well

Let me start by saying Murderbot is awesome! I listened to the first four books in that series this week and loved every word, every minute of it. I look forward to the longer fifth and sixth books and, of course, there are more books to come. This is definitely one to watch.

On top of that, I read the entire Rebel of the Sands series, Margaret Atwood’s My Evil Mother (available free with Prime on Audible here), and Impact Winter (also Audible for free here). Impact Winter was beyond an audiobook; it was like a performance with deep vampiric lore. I could have listened to twelve more episodes of it.

AND I’m caught up on pace for #ProjectBookworm2022. More to come this week.

64/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022

So we went back to rewatch Ink Master because 1) I haven’t seen the early seasons and 2) the new Season 14 comes out 9/14! We are stoked so we’re going to chew through this series again. It’s going to be great.

Dragonflight Alpha continues with new stuff. I can’t wait for Beta to come through and for the live game to actually launch. This expansion has a lot of promise. I hope Blizzard delivers.

Well Chat

Title Reveal. Synopsis Reveal. Cover Reveal. Pre-orders. These are all important ingredients in The Hype Machine. I’m just learning how best to do these, but here’s what I’ve found so far.

First of all, each reveal should have its own breathing room. Each new piece of information should be its own exciting event. This is even more true of sequels. There is already so much excitement and expectation when a novel ends and clearly has a sequel. If you can parlay that into upping the ante with your reveals, readers will be stoked to get their hands on the next installment.

So I’m trying to get that going with the first book. I want my newsletter subscribers to feel like they get exclusives, so I’m doing reveals there first. It started this week with the title image. The synopsis is already on the website so nothing new there. After that comes the cover and pre-orders. And I’m also going to do a pre-order campaign with a giveaway.

All of this is to get people to buy the book. Reveals get people excited. Stoking that hype flame over time is the best way to keep it burning until people can actually buy the book. I’ll let you know how it goes for me with this and future books.

What are you doing to reveal information to your readers?

May the tide carry you to safer shores.