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I’m sorry I missed last week’s blog post. It was a busy, busy week…in that it was my last before I started my new job! I just started yesterday and there’s a lot to learn, but I’m excited to get into it. Between the business and starting work, the numbers are a bit low for these last two weeks. It’s okay. Priorities are what they are. I’m looking to return to form this week, though, by reinstituting my early-morning habits and seeking some balance.

Drawing from the Well

I only got through one chapter recently. It was a hard one to edit because it needed a lot of work. My momentum is shot, but we’ll get back to it. Here’s where we are at the moment.

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Filling the Well

For the first time in a long time, I didn’t finish a book last week. I’m definitely falling behind on pace, but now that I’m back to working in my home office, I hope to chew through some audiobooks and catch up. I’m also working my way through The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab. It is incredible, naturally. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

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Well Chat

New job, new me. These last two months, I really fell out of a lot of the habits that are important to me. Exercise, prayer, and even morning writing all fell to the wayside. I was getting up later and later. Looking back, I probably wasn’t in the best emotional shape. I was just making the best of the situation in which I found myself.

Now that I have a job again, I feel like there’s structure again. Once there’s structure, I can build on that. So, that’s what I’m doing. I sat down last week and planned a month’s worth of social media posts. As long as I put the preparatory time into each post, it’s going to be a lot of fun. On top of that, I’m getting up earlier again. I want 6am to be sleeping in for me, like it was this morning. I feel great, energized. I’m ready to attack life again.

What does this mean for my writing? Well, first off, this blog post is getting done during the dawn hours before I start work. Even though it won’t post until this evening, the writing of it is done. I’ve also prepped my social media post for the day. If I have much time left after all of that, I’ll do some editing. The documents are already loaded. Life is all about opportunities, those you create and those you seize. Work is one I seized. Because of that, I want to create more opportunities to do more for myself and my family.

Book 3’s readthrough notes are almost finished. I’ve got at least eight new chapters to write after that part is done, then those have to, of course, be read, annotated, and tweaked. Then we get into the meat of the editing. If I can stick to my morning habits, I should be able to really start making progress here. A lot of the items on my editing list are quite targeted. They’re important, but they’ll go by quickly. I hope to bring you lots of good news in the coming weeks. Thanks for sticking around. Be well.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.