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Being a creative is pouring yourself out onto whatever “canvas” you’re called to. Whether it’s the written page, a digital masterpiece, or a literal, physical canvas, creatives bleed themselves onto the page. For this to work, you have to have something to give in the first place. I’m not talking about having a special something to share with the world; we all have that. I’m not downplaying it, but every soul is unique and has something to offer to others. What I’m talking about is having something left of yourself to put out there.

I read it portrayed many times (and I think primarily by Victoria Schwab) as filling the well and that metaphor speaks to me. Every time you approach your canvas to create, you draw ink from the well (ink, paint, you get the picture). Most of us creatives are driven to push ourselves to create and create and create until our creation is complete. That means MANY draws on your well. Like all wells, though, your metaphorical creative ink well is not bottomless. It may be deep and wide, but it has a limit. Eventually, the well will run dry.

Everything draws from your well, too. Work, school, friends, significant other, kids, pets, volunteer work, and, of course, your creative process. Everything you do pulls from your well.

Except refilling it.

We all have activities that feed back into us, allow us to relax and be at peace. For some its surfing while for others its surfing the TV channels. For me, I have a couple major ways I refill my well: video games and reading, both of which boil down to one basic premise – going somewhere else in my mind.

If I can transport myself (not escape, mind you) to a world of someone else’s creation, it not only gives me a chance to experience something rather than building it, but it also inspires me.

Some people will create for long periods of time and then have a massive well-filling experience. I don’t work that way. My well is either much smaller than others or, more likely, I have many more draws on my well. That doesn’t make me any better or worse than anyone else, it just means that in order for me to have ink in my well from which to draw, I have to refill it often and regularly.

I’ve had it happen many times where I have the time to write, to create, but not the “ink.” So I’ve started carving out time whenever I can find it to fill the well. Since reading works well for me, I find time when I can. In the restroom. Waiting for my kids at school. Stuck in traffic (complete stop for a long period of time). A few minutes here, a few minutes there, and I have sufficient ink in my well to write. Plus, reading helps me finish reading books which puts me closer to completing my reading goal on Goodreads which feeds the Achiever in me which FURTHER energizes me. So synergize where you can.

I’m rambling now so I’m going to sign off. I hope this has been helpful. Be well everyone.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.