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Preorders are up! Times are exciting around here. Check the Books page for currently-available purchase links. There’s a lot going on personally but the fact that my book is live on Amazon is consuming much of my attention right now. There’s a campaign involved as well, which I’ll describe below. Keep reading!

Drawing from the Well

Editing continues but the pace this week was glacial. I only got a few pages done. Hopefully, I’ll be able to pick up the pace on Arc 2 this week.

Arc I: 64/64
Arc II: 8/60
Arc III Part I: 0/24
Arc III Part II: 0/31
Arc IV: 0/43
Arc V: 0/59
Interstitia: 0/11
Total: 72/291

Filling the Well

Reading, on the other hand, is going okay. My pace is accelerating and I’m TRYING to catch up. Over the last two weeks, I’ve read the last three books in the Zodiac tetralogy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. After that, I jumped into Taming Fire. This one is harder for me to enjoy. It’s written in a less emotional, more archaic way. It took me a while to get stuck in with the story, but we’re doing it now. I’m almost done. I’m not sure what comes next but I’m going to keep chewing through these books this week to catch up. I’m still 3 books behind but it’s not getting worse.

Regular seasons are back so, on top of still watching a good amount of Ink Master both old and new, we’re back on the wagon with all three Law & Order series. They’re doing good things with those shows this season, I feel, so we’re enjoying it so far. This week, I probably won’t watch much of anything, but we’ll see.

Dragonflight is almost here! Pre-patch drops tomorrow with some pretty substantial changes that I’m excited to check out. Beyond that, nothing new.

Well Chat

The campaign for preorders is underway! So far, I’ve found it on Amazon (eBook and Print) and Kobo. Pick your platform of choice to get a preorder in. I’ll update you here and on the Books page as more sites make the book available.

Now, for the FREE STUFF!

When you preorder the book, forward me a copy of your receipt to with your shipping address and I will send you a free bookmark. I’m really excited to get these printed and shipped as a small thank you for giving me a powerful launch for this book.

The design is set and the printer is working on it. I’ll post a little video on social media when I get to unbox them. I’ll also soon unbox my proof copy of the book. Look out for that too.

I know this is a shorter blog, but I really wanted to call out the pre-order campaign. Get on it and I’ll see you on November 11!

May the tide carry you to safer shores.