Drawing from the Well

Writing these last three weeks has been thin, as it has been the last two months since the end of NaNoWriMo. That said, the last couple of days, I’ve made a lot of progress. I finished all the major character profiles and took a huge bite out of the side character profiles. Now that I’m going strong with those, I’ve got the momentum I need to finish them and FINALLY get back to drafting. Exploring these side characters excites me for exploring them in the full text of the first draft. It’s just what I need to light the fuse on some explosive writing.
22/22 Major Character Profiles Complete
30/90 Side Character Profiles Complete (I added one because of a new character created in drafting, but, see, big progress)
Filling the Well
This is the first image for 2022 and it’s sad.
I’ve only finished three books this year and I’m five books behind. I’ll catch up, but I hate coming back from behind. So far, I’ve finished the first two books in the Red Rising series, which are thick but good and really make you think about classism, and Riot Baby, which really makes you think about systemic racism and generationalism. I LOVED Riot Baby and can’t wait for more.
On the other end of that is From the Earth to the Moon which, as Verne books go, is D-R-Y! It is humorous hearing about theories and politics around initial space travel in the age of post nationalized space travel. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to this book being over and moving onto something more colorful.
3/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022
Well Chat
Let’s jump right in with my slogan for this year. 2020 was Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Paper. 2021 was Dream like you’ll live forever, but write like you’ll die tomorrow. Both years, I was successful to sufficient degrees. This year is a knuckle-down year. So I’m keeping it simple. My slogan for 2022 is BICHOK: Butt in Chair, Hands on Keyboard. I’ve said it many times but it feels like I need to remember it already this year. I hope it keeps me focused.
As for goals, I have a few. These all carry over from ’21, but this is the year. So here we go:
- Launch my website redesign
- Launch my newsletter
- Secure a cover designer
- Publish my first book
- Draft and edit Book III
The first four goals are all sequential and it will culminate in my bid for legitimacy as a published author. I put it that way because of Impostor Syndrome (which we’ve talked about here). I AM an author now. The next evolution is a published author. It’s going to happen. This is my year. Keep your eyes here for developments in the coming months as well as first crack at announcements as they come. We start back on track next week with the perils of underwriting to balance out the previous overwriting discussion.

May the tide carry you to safer shores.