Drawing from the Well

Queries Sent: 0
Total Queries: 35
Rejections: 12
Scenes Mapped: 11
Total Scenes: 359
I got some serious writing done on the plane last night (yes, I’ve been away; I’ll explain below) even with sneaking a nap in. I’m officially writing the 3/4 point of Book Two. Well, mapping it anyway. It’s exciting stuff because this is the turn that drives the characters into the climax pretty soon. And all the dominoes are lined up for a truly explosive conclusion.
Filling the Well

Bloodwitch: 46%
The Raven Boys: 90%
Guide to Literary Agents: 89/332
I didn’t make any progress here but I DID find a book I’d misplaced that I was in the middle of reading. So that’ll be the next physical book I finish. I’ve been trying to read this book for something like three years so it needs to get finished.
Polishing the Well
I spent the last few days in Dallas, Texas for a work trip. That’s why I tended to be circumspect about what was going on. I don’t like to advertise when I’m traveling until I’ve returned. It was a great trip where I got to see my team, gel with some new teammates, and make some preliminary plans for the next couple of years. It was a quick, busy trip and I’m so glad to be home.
Well Chat
Quantum Entanglements

Okay, the Stratasphere isn’t THIS connected. There’s not a bunch of amazing people doing amazing things that eventually get together and jam as a super group for the Greater Good. I would quantify the connectedness of my intended universe to be more like quantum entanglement.
What do I mean by that? Well, there’s A LOT that’s going to end up going on in the Stratasphere but it will often be galaxies apart. Magics between strata will be very different. Entire worlds could explode and it wouldn’t even be a blip on another story’s radar. Their connection isn’t immediately noticeable. To describe the space that any story occupies within the Stratasphere, it would be necessary to describe it in relation to other stories. The stories will tend to affect each other in massively-subtle ways.
All my stories ARE inexorably linked, though. All the strata are immediate neighbors to each other. The exact cosmic geography is still taking shape, but it’s there. We’re not talking about two strata being on opposite corners of the universe from each other.
The orenda of each stratum (its binding metaphysical fabric) is woven together with every other neighboring orenda. Where the warp of one orenda meets the warp of another, strange things happen (don’t even ASK about this yet). The weave of the two orenda tangles and rippled orenda (those that have been interrupted by a Stratarch and lead to magic) create their own weave that defies physics.
Since the characters in my books access these ripples, then the tangled weaves affect them too. They just don’t know it right now. That’s one of the aspects I’ll explore one day but for now, just know that the characters in my books are connected by virtue of the fact that their magics are part of the fabric of the Stratasphere itself.
Hopefully this will make more sense when I talk about my plan for the Stratasphere tomorrow. Happy Weekend!

May the tide carry you to safer shores.