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Editing Path Part 3

Editing Path Part 3

Life keeps on trucking. We’re transitioning from Wedding Season to Summertime and we have lots of plans. I’ll fill you in as each completes. For now, we’re back with my Editing Series with Editing Path Part 3. We’ll get into the details below,...
Editing Path Part 2

Editing Path Part 2

I don’t know how, but last week’s blog post never published. Weird, right? The side effect is that you all get a two-for today! After the previous post, today we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of my process with Editing Path Part 2. Today’s...
Editing Path Part 1

Editing Path Part 1

I knew it had been a while, but I honestly thought it had been longer than five weeks. That’s totally unacceptable for me, but at least it’s not as bad as I feared. Before we get into the review of how I edit with Editing Path Part 1, let me just apologize...
Ideation Filtering

Ideation Filtering

One of the hardest things to do is to avoid Shiny Object Syndrome through a process I like to call Ideation Filtering. We’ll get into the details below, but staying on task is as much a job of being your own brain’s traffic cop as anything else. This...
Getting It Done

Getting It Done

I missed another blog week and I’m really sorry about that. I have been super busy just getting it done. All of it. Personal, work, business, creative, family, the whole nine yards. I talked last week about grindstone persistence; these last two weeks,...
Grindstone Persistence

Grindstone Persistence

Have you ever heard the phrase “keep your nose to the grindstone?” That’s been our February. We have fought through grindstone persistence to get trough a crazy amount of work and play. We’ve had so many events, just got back from NYC, had some...