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What Do I Write About?

What Do I Write About?

That’s the question I found myself asking when it was time to start this blog: What do I write about? Fortunately, that’s a question all authors face at some point, so we’ll get into it below. In life news, last weekend was a busy one but this...
Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion

Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion

I just got back from another short vacation to North Carolina. I got to see family at our annual reunion, relax, and even get some writing in. During that time I even managed to sell some books. That got me thinking about the difficulty in overcoming the fear of...
Editing Path Part 7

Editing Path Part 7

This week was a bit of a return to form, finally. I got some writing done, did some work, and worked a wedding. Times are good. Now, it’s time for the finale of this blog series: Editing Path Part 7.   Drawing from the Well I had a pretty good writing week....
Editing Path Part 6

Editing Path Part 6

And now we went to Cincinnati! The big draw there was the Cincinnati Zoo which was honestly outstanding. We had a blast with some new friends while we were there, but are definitely ready to get back to a regular schedule. Now, let’s take a look at my Editing...
Editing Path Part 5

Editing Path Part 5

We went to Italy! Before I get into Editing Path Part 5 and continue working toward a return to normalcy, I wanted to share the most amazing trip with you. My wife and I went to Italy for 11 days of travel, wine, pasta, and fun with friends new and old. A friend of...
Editing Path Part 4

Editing Path Part 4

We’ve made it through another week! Today we’ll cover the next phase in my editing process as Editing Path Part 4 covers the Orange Edit. This week was busy but good. Next week, there won’t be a blog post and I’ll go into all that in two weeks....