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Instinct vs Intent

Instinct vs Intent

This was a topic that came up in conversation recently with a friend of mine doing NaNoWriMo (only the best competition on Earth). We were discussing our differing writing styles (they’re a pantser, I, obviously, and a planner). I’ve said for a long time...
First Year Published

First Year Published

Saturday marked one year since Blood in the Storm hit shelves. After my first year published, I looked back to see how I had changed and what I had learned. We’ll get into that below. Having my book in the wild for a year has been an interesting experience....
Weaving Storylines

Weaving Storylines

I’m getting close to the end of this step of the editing process which has my mind on a critical upcoming step: weaving storylines together. This is a critical aspect of story flow and, of course, I have a process. We’ll talk about it below. Also, sorry...
Return to Form

Return to Form

I’m sorry I missed last week’s blog post. It was a busy, busy week…in that it was my last before I started my new job! I just started yesterday and there’s a lot to learn, but I’m excited to get into it. Between the business and starting...
Bones Need Tissue

Bones Need Tissue

After my last blog post, I thought about what I’ve identified most through this editing round of Book III. The lesson I learned is that bones need tissue. We’ll get into the weeds with this below, but it applies to life too. You need bones, absolutely....
Long Time, No See

Long Time, No See

It seems sheepish to pop in and just say, “Hey, long time, no see.” There has been a lot going on since my last post. Two months is a great deal of time for a weekly blog to go dark. I’ll explain everything below, but in an attempt at normalcy,...