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I’m finding habits to be both harder to form and more important to maintain all the time. Hence the blog post on a day when I said there wouldn’t be one. I’m writing this on my phone, immediately realizing the folly is this choice. Next time,...

Time is a Thief

One thing I’m realizing as a parent and as a busy adult is that Time is not the old friend that we always thought it was. In youth, we think we have all the time in the world but as adults we all know that just isn’t true. No matter how much time...

Refilling the Well

Being a creative is pouring yourself out onto whatever “canvas” you’re called to. Whether it’s the written page, a digital masterpiece, or a literal, physical canvas, creatives bleed themselves onto the page. For this to work, you have to have...


I wanted to share something I learned during my latest edit: writing a novel is daunting. This sounds obvious to a lot of people, but I took it for granted. Yes, I’ve been working on this novel a long time. Yes, I’ve worked through five drafts previously....

Doubling Down

I’m back! The last few months have been very busy. Frankly, the last year has been a bit of a blur. Last February I married my best friend. We took a week-long honeymoon to New York including three Broadway shows and snow! Three weeks later, my wife started her...

Back Again

Consistency is one of my weak suits. When it comes to any habit, I tend to struggle with doing it consistently. Reading books, reading the Bible, prayer, devotionals, exercise, and, yes, even writing. That being said, my writing is important and, although I...