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Character = Plot

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 110 Yesterday was all over the place, BUT I was able to figure out a major plot thread that’s going to weave through at least three books (including the current) as well as a major characterization point and...

The Importance of Knowing Why

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 8Total Scenes: 110 Remember how I said Meibor’s scenes were the most difficult to write? Well, it’s more like the first domino is the heaviest. Once that goes down, the rest falls into place. I also had a couple of...


Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 2Total Scenes: 85 FINALLY got some scenes written. I intend to write more tonight. I need to get through this Eighth to the quarter-point. The two scenes I wrote I’m REALLY excited about. I feel like some of the scenes I’m...


Writing Update Nothing to see here. Yes, that’s TWO zero-scene days in a row. We’re going to fix that today. Reading Update Vengeful: 63%Perelandra: 49% I’m enjoying Perelandra quite a bit more than I did Out of the Silent Planet. I’m not sure...


Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 83 It finally happened. I had a zero-scene day. It’s been a while. Yesterday was kind of a crazy day and I fell asleep early. These things happen. The victory I AM taking in this is that I’ve stuck with my...