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Structural Edits

Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 1Total Queries: 4 Scenes Arranged: 2Total Scenes: 210 And here I thought I had a zero-scene day. That’s a relief. I’ll have to work hard today to shoehorn in some scenes. It’s going to be a weird busy day. Filling...


Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 1Total Queries: 2 Scenes Arranged: 200Total Scenes: 26 What a day yesterday! I stayed on pace with sending out another query yesterday and intend to do the same, but that writing! I have never (that I recall) mapped 26 scenes in a...

Begin Phase 6

Drawing from the Well Chapters Edited: 39!Chapters to Edit: 0! It’s done!! I finished editing my book Friday night. It feels so good to “close the book” on this process and move on. I’ll talk about how I divide my writing process in the Well...