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Support Structure

Drawing from the Well STILL nothing. That said, I’m finally catching up on things so I should be able to get some writing in soon. I’m hoping tonight, but might not be until tomorrow. However, that’s not stopping new ideas from percolating. I’m...

Blog Catalog

# Date SeriesTitle110/4/15Post Zero210/5/15Writing a Novel in 30 Minutes a Day – Day 1310/5/15Writing a Novel in 30 Minutes a Day – Day 2410/5/15Critters Workshop510/6/15Critiquery610/6/15Work in the Way710/30/15It’s Been a While811/1/15NaNoWriMo Has...

Dealing with Aggravation

Drawing from the Well As I said in yesterday’s blog, I didn’t expect to make any Drawing progress yesterday and I was right. There was just too much going on with real life. Today is a new day, though, and we’re getting back to the normal grind so...

Testing Ideas

Drawing from the Well No queries or scenes yesterday. Like I said in yesterday’s blog, it was a very busy day and night right up on until midnight. I don’t expect today to be any different, but that’s life. I’m not going to lament or regret it,...

Getting Acquainted

Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 1Total Queries: 25Rejections: 3 Scenes Mapped: 0Total Scenes: 285 Yesterday was a lot all around. I’m kind of surprised I even got a query sent. It started early with tasks out of order to get more done so I was off all day,...

Where to Start

Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 1Total Queries: 24Rejections: 3 Scenes Mapped: 3Total Scenes: 285 I’m starting to get antsy from these agents who have not yet responded, even with rejections. I’m trying to be patient and focus on my efforts rather than...