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My Process

My writing process is stepwise and applies to each story independently of any other story I have in the works. This all feeds into my plan for the entire Stratasphere but is separate from it. So here are my phases for getting a story into the world. Phase 1 –...

The Plan for June

Drawing from the Well Queries Sent: 1Total Queries: 32Rejections: 8 Scenes Mapped: 1Total Scenes: 300 We were JUST talking about milestones yesterday and then I hit 300 scenes. Pretty cool. At least I’m starting to make progress again. Plus, now that I’m...


Drawing from the Well Still nothing. I’ve got to get more consistent and figure out how to carve out time for writing. Maybe today. Filling the Well Bloodwitch: 27%The Raven Boys: 69% No reading yesterday either. With all these meetings, my YouTube playlist has...