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The Perils of Underwriting

Drawing from the Well The last week saw some serious progress on character profiles. I’m now past halfway on the side character profiles which gets me that much closer to returning to drafting. That said, creating these brief pictures into even the side...

Looking Ahead at 2022

Drawing from the Well Writing these last three weeks has been thin, as it has been the last two months since the end of NaNoWriMo. That said, the last couple of days, I’ve made a lot of progress. I finished all the major character profiles and took a huge bite...

2021 Year In Review

Drawing from the Well Writing this year was a mixed bag. Planning out Book III was one of the hardest processes I’ve ever endured. I’m still reeling a little from it. The good news is that I got through it and even WON NaNoWriMo, which is a first. I...

The Perils of Overwriting

Drawing from the Well Post-NaNo, I’ve been focused on finishing all the major character profiles and I’m making progress. I just finished one yesterday and am already working through the hard part of the next. I know this can sound like delaying or...

NaNoWriMo Post Mortem

Drawing from the Well I DID IT! My winning certificate for NaNoWriMo 2021! I’m still riding high from winning NaNoWriMo. I’ve tried a couple times before and, as we covered prior to November 1, the best I ever did before was 29k (which is still...

Existential Crisis

Drawing from the Well It’s been a good week. Since my last blog post, I’ve written over fourteen thousand words. I’ve cracked the 30k mark. I’ve caught way up to where I’m only two days behind now. Bigger than that, I beat my best NaNo...