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The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

Now that I’ve reviewed how last year went (pretty well, I’d say), it’s time to look at the year ahead of us. I have a couple of writing goals in mind so we’ll get into those below. What it boils down to is that I have a lot of work ahead of...
Dealing with Disappointment

Dealing with Disappointment

The last two weeks have been a roller coaster. My last blog post left off with the exciting advent of my book tour. Now, on the other side of it, I find myself dealing with disappointment in a few minor ways. I sold books, yes, but I had high hopes. We’ll get...
The Book Tour Begins

The Book Tour Begins

It has been a great couple of weeks. All of it leads up to this week when the book tour begins. I haven’t been this excited, especially about my writing, in a very long time. By the next blog, I’ll have results to report. I pray they’re encouraging....
Bad Timing

Bad Timing

This week was a lesson in bad timing. Hurricane Nicole got the better of me forcing me to reschedule my first book signing. It was a hard call to make. My heart still hurts at having to make it. There’s no question that it was the right call. So, we’re...
Next Steps

Next Steps

The title is out there! On top of the newsletter announcement, I released the title to everyone on social media over the weekend. The website is updated and I even included it below. Now, as always, I move onto next steps. Let’s talk about what those are as well...