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Trope: Meditation Powerup

Mother’s Day Recap As you can probably guess, I was 100% right in that I got no writing or reading done yesterday. But that’s okay because we had a great day celebrating my wife for Mother’s Day. We went to church and brunch and then got naps on the...

Trope: Clark Kenting

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 166 Nothin’ to see here, folks. Filling the Well That Hideous Strength: 54%Elegy: Page 15 of 89Jessica Jones: S2E12 of 13 Nothin’ to see here either. Yesterday was a bit of a mess. Polishing the Well...

Moments of Awesome

This image is what I always think about when I consider the trope of a character having a “moment of awesome.” It’s their moment where they seize the potential that was inside of them the whole time and ascend to a new level to overcome the obstacle...