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Straining Belief

Straining Belief

Sorry I missed last week. President’s Day weekend was a work-heavy three-day weekend for me so by the time we got to Tuesday, not only was my mind on Monday, I was utterly exhausted. Sometimes, something has to give. Last week, it was the blog. Now, to move...


Kurt Vonnegut was a legendary, visionary author who had some fantastic advice. I’ve written about it before, let’s see how it holds up, huh? In personal news, it’s been really busy. Lots going on with work and the business and the kids. It’s...
Levels of Success

Levels of Success

Well, I managed to get a new laptop and get it up and running without any interruption to the blog. Hooray! To that end, we continue with the Revisited series today. I want to take another look at levels of success. This is a really important topic to me. It matters...
Awesome Moments

Awesome Moments

Hello, everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about Awesome Moments in writing. These are my favorite things to write. They often, but not always, come at the end of the book, but they tend to come at high points in the story structure, especially turning points...
Bothersome Characters

Bothersome Characters

We’re back on the normal train with the blog. Today, we’re going to talk about bothersome characters. I’ll get into the details below, but it’s all about being true to the heart of a character. This is what makes them believable to a reader. In...