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Who I Am Now

Who I Am Now

Every so often, you have to take a long, hard look in the mirror and assess, “Who I am now.” Granted, this is always going to be a loaded question. We’re going to dig into it a little today, though, as far as where I stand and how much more I have...
Reflection and Why

Reflection and Why

Sorry for my longer absence this time. The last few weeks have been A LOT. I missed a blog, then we were preparing to leave town for multiple reasons, and then when we returned we hit the ground running with a huge event that took a full day prior to prepare for. It...
Flow State

Flow State

Finding flow state is so important to me and yet it has eluded me for a while now. I find it most often when I’m drafting, but it is so useful when I slip into it during editing. I find the most useful nuggets during that time. This last week had a lot going on...
More Than a Name

More Than a Name

This week didn’t see a lot of writing. I’m not confident this week coming up will either. I’ll explain why next week. Otherwise, life is good. Today’s topic is about how important naming things is. This includes characters, countries,...
Positive Self-Talk

Positive Self-Talk

If this isn’t a timely post, I don’t know what is. We’ll get into the details below, but I finished the Second Draft of Book III this morning…after exactly one year of work. It was exciting and demoralizing all at once, necessitating positive...