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The last week has been consumed with working through business chaos. I say that because there has just been a lot going on. I found my book aggregator in IngramSpark after diving deep into Draft2Digital and finding that they won’t fit my needs. Plans are also progressing and growing for the book launch. As details are firmed up, I’m excited to share them with you. On top of that, we got a new car! It’s been a good week.

Drawing from the Well

Writing has been thin this week. Between busy life and all the work on publishing, I only managed to write about 1,200 words. It’s better than nothing, but not by much. That’s okay, though, because it’s all writing for two books from now. I’ve got time. More to come next week, I hope.

Scenes: 225/246
Words: 134,891/~147,500

Filling the Well

Wow! I didn’t finish a single book this week! It’s a good thing I got ahead last week. Hopefully, life will stabilize this week and I can get back on track with reading.

70/100 for #ProjectBookworm2022

We continue with Ink Master and the new season starts September 7! We’re so stoked. Beyond that, I re-watched Moana, Dear Evan Hansen, and 10 Things I Hate About You, all great movies. Fun was had by all.

More keeps getting added to the Dragonflight alpha and it appears to be nearing completion. Beta should be coming soon and it’ll get even more exciting from there as we approach launch at the end of the year.

Well Chat

Business can be absolute chaos. Many days, very little happens. Then it seems that everything happens all at once. How you manage those moments of mayhem is what matters.

For me, it’s all about prioritization. As we’ve covered before, I’m a list maker. This is easy with sequential books in a series because you release Book I and then Book II and so on. So for me, obviously the important thing is to release Book I even though I’m writing Book III in the background. So when things got wild figuring out Book I this week, Book III took a backseat.

It sounds simple enough, but for me, it wasn’t. Writing the next book is always nagging at the back of my mind. Even now, as I write this blog that matters to me, there’s a voice in the back of my head telling me to get back to writing the next book. I can write all the books I want, but if I never do the equally hard work of pushing the manuscript over the finish line, no book will ever exist.

So, for now, business has been prioritized over drafting. It’s fine. It’s all fine. This is a phase and it’s a really exciting one. I just look forward to getting back in my comfort zone. How do you deal with chaotic periods outside of your comfort zone?

May the tide carry you to safer shores.