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My blog is based on the idea of my creative well. This is the source of all my ideas. Drawing from the Well describes the latest progress on writing novels and business updates. Filling the Well explores all the ways I recharge including reading, TV, movies, and games. Lastly, Well Chat is a topic-based discussion of writing craft and what I’ve learned along my journey. Check out what I’m doing!


I'm finding habits to be both harder to form and more important to maintain all the time. Hence the blog post on a day when I said there wouldn't be one. I'm writing this on my phone, immediately realizing the folly is this choice. Next time, I'll write an extra blog...

Time is a Thief

We can do it later. There’s no rush. There IS a rush. You’ll handle that another time. There’ll be time enough for that, but not now. These are all lies we tell ourselves.