Javelin Throwing
I’m a dreamer and a planner so when it comes to goal setting, I like to think big and then plot backward to figure out how to get there from here.
Working Hard
I reframed what I considered to be “working on my book.” Sure, when I was editing the most recent draft, I had the concrete manuscript to mark my progress. But with that completed and off to my editor for further review and revision, I was pivoting to the intended sequel, Book 2 in the series. That does have some chapters written, but it was in a different incarnation of the book. Undoubtedly some of that will be useful, but some of it will be scrapped too. So before I use any of that, I have to know where to use it.
Want vs. Need
By focusing on meeting our needs, we are grateful for the fact that we DON’T have mortal needs anymore.
Ceding Control
Characters can absolutely drive their own stories.
My Head Friends
These characters have become the friends who live in my head.