Refill Your Well
I hit on something that helped shape the blog going forward. On January 22, 2019, I hit on the concept of Refilling the Well. This is important advice.
Trick Yourself Into Momentum
To trick yourself into momentum, you have to find the happy medium between these points. For me, this comes in the tracking. I can’t look at 177k manuscript and just say, “Go!” I can’t even look at 12k sentences or 4,500 paragraphs. Those numbers are just too big to be anything less than monumental. But 246 scenes? It’s a big number, but it’s chewable.
Timing Your Productivity
Circadian rhythms fascinate me. When people derive their energy makes such a difference in what gets done.
Make Something Happen
This week, I’m starting a series where I revisit some of the insights I had years ago. The big takeaway from [the first post] was “Make something happen in every chapter!” So how does this advice hold up?
Instinct vs Intent
Pantsing, planning. Gardening, architecting. Deciphering, deciding. These are all ways to describe writing styles. It all comes down to instinct or intent.