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My blog is based on the idea of my creative well. This is the source of all my ideas. Drawing from the Well describes the latest progress on writing novels and business updates. Filling the Well explores all the ways I recharge including reading, TV, movies, and games. Lastly, Well Chat is a topic-based discussion of writing craft and what I’ve learned along my journey. Check out what I’m doing!


Nothing written is ever wasted. There’s just a time and place for it. Sometimes it’s for this manuscript, sometimes it’s for another, sometimes it’s just the barrier to guide you to what you’re supposed to write. It all serves a purpose.

Bunny Trails

Inspiration strikes at the strangest times and Shiny Object Syndrome can take over in a blink. This can even happen within a story you’re working on where the story goes down an unfruitful path for the sake of exploration. These deviations are what I call bunny trails. When it’s a new idea, like I had today, I call it a story bunny. So let’s talk about herding rabbits.

Success Rocks

Success is one of the best feelings out there. Accomplishing something after so much time working on it is a huge relief and a boon to my confidence. Finishing this map, this first draft in my eyes feels great.