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My blog is based on the idea of my creative well. This is the source of all my ideas. Drawing from the Well describes the latest progress on writing novels and business updates. Filling the Well explores all the ways I recharge including reading, TV, movies, and games. Lastly, Well Chat is a topic-based discussion of writing craft and what I’ve learned along my journey. Check out what I’m doing!

2020 Year in Review – Part 3

And then there was the human element. Surviving from the Well After 2020, I think this is an appropriate new title for what I used to call Well Chat, so we're going with it. We've talked about reading. We've talked about writing. Now, for some 'rithmetic. No? Fine....

2020 Year in Review – Part 2

Among the minefield that was 2020, I did a LOT of writing. Let's get into it. Drawing from the Well As I said in Part 1, the Well was in high gear in '20. Today, however, we cover the output. So how much did I really get done? Well, when we started 2020, I was 260...

2020 Year in Review – Part 1

2020 was a lot. I think that is a safe statement for every person on the planet. Last year, my Year in Review post was singular. This year, I want to cover it in three parts: Reading, Writing, and Personal. We experienced a lot in every arena. To that end, let's start...

August was Awesome!

Drawing from the Well Eighth EighthChapter 69/83119,776 Words (90.22% Complete) Draft 0 HarvestingFirst Read-ThroughDevelopmental EditCharacter EditFine Detail EditLine EditEdit Out Loud Read-ThroughProofreading and Spell CheckFinal Read-Through Yes, we're still in...

Back in Session

It's been a long time, so let's get into it. Drawing from the Well Seventh EighthChapter 66/83107,928 Words (82.15% Complete) Why are we back in this format? Because I'm most of the way through the massive Second Draft. I have a big fat editing checklist so let's...