My blog is based on the idea of my creative well. This is the source of all my ideas. Drawing from the Well describes the latest progress on writing novels and business updates. Filling the Well explores all the ways I recharge including reading, TV, movies, and games. Lastly, Well Chat is a topic-based discussion of writing craft and what I’ve learned along my journey. Check out what I’m doing!

You are only entitled to your labor, not the fruits of your labor. -Bhagavad Gita

Revisited Recap
What’s it all mean? You have to look back to see where you’ve been to figure out how to move forward.

Who I Am Now
That’s a pretty good picture, but there’s more to it than that.

Reflection and Why
Reflection is critical to evaluate how you feel and what you think about your art overall. Looking back at your work gives you perspective, especially with the gift of time. That’s the whole crux of editing anyway.

Flow State
Flow state is all about unlocking your subconscious and becoming a conduit to your imagination.