The Exciting Part
The exciting part is important to keep in mind, to aim for, and to celebrate. As I’ve said before, writing is a LONG journey.
Editing Process
I’ve been updating my checklist document to give it as much detail as I’ll need when I actually edit this time. So what’s it really look like.
Milestones are critical for the feeling of completion, achievement, and progress. It’s so easy to lose sight of that when you look at the final finish line of having your book out in the wild. Momentum and motivation are the only things that will push you to actually finish the book. Setting up and crossing milestones do that for me.
Patience is one of the most important aspects of any long-term goal. Writing and publishing is not exempt from that.
Business Chaos
Business can be absolute chaos. Many days, very little happens. Then it seems that everything happens all at once. How you manage those moments of mayhem is what matters.