Ideation Filtering
Ideation Filtering is a big phrase for staying on task. What I mean by that is leaning into Shiny Object Syndrome, but only long enough to filter it out. What’s all that mean?
Getting It Done
There is so much going on with all of us all the time (it’s a problem in the US but that’s a topic for a different day). We all have so many goals competing for completion, not to mention the draining attention economy through social media, television, movies, games, and more. Sometimes, we say yes to too many things. Sometimes, people need us. We can’t just dip out on them because they matter to us. So what do we do?
Grindstone Persistence
“Grindstone persistence” grows out of the adage, “Keep your nose to the grindstone.” As the world tries to grind you down, push back.
Lifetime Learner
At multiple stages in my fledgling writing career, I have recognized the breadth of knowledge I DON’T have. Since then, I’ve continued to delve into the collected knowledge out on the internet.
It’s Jazz
Overuse of fused sentences leading to a repetitive sentence structure and boring staccato tempo. Prose is supposed to be jazz, not dirge.