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Your Book Isn’t For Everyone

Your Book Isn’t For Everyone

Here’s some of the hardest advice to hear: your book isn’t for everyone. I’ve seen this advice come up more and more on social media the last couple of weeks so I thought I would weigh in. As for regular life, it’s been busy. We’ve got...
The Danger of Multitasking

The Danger of Multitasking

This week was quieter on the one hand because we’re done traveling and vacationing for a bit, but it was busier on the other because now we’re handling repairs and updates to our home. Life never stops, does it? With so many things going on, it’s...
Head or Heart

Head or Heart

This weekend, my family and I vacationed in New York City. It was great. My wife and I love it there and loved sharing it with our kids. One of the things that my son and I did while we were there was… Seeing both got me thinking. I enjoyed both movies for...
What If It’s Bad?

What If It’s Bad?

This is the existential question that authors (and, really, all creators of all kinds) face: “What if it’s bad?” Everything we do, we want to turn out well, but what if it’s not? That’s what we’re talking about today. In regular...
How to Fix Swiss Cheese

How to Fix Swiss Cheese

This question occurred to me thanks to something I posted on Instagram last week. How to fix swiss cheese, metaphorically, got the juices flowing. It also led me to keep writing. There’s a lot going on in life right now that’s difficult but not terribly...