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Planner vs. Pantser

I’m rearranging the blog a bit to approximate the way I used to do it. The discussions I’m putting in here are great and I love them, but I want to make sure to put some of me on the page as well as using this to encourage me to do the most important...

Fight Fire With Fire

Beyond this being the title to a fantastic Metallica song from 1984 (yes, the year I was born. yes, I’m a baby. it’s fine.), this is also my tactic with time. I wrote about the fact that Time is a thief recently and this idea has been on my mind a lot this...

Moments of Awesome

This image is what I always think about when I consider the trope of a character having a “moment of awesome.” It’s their moment where they seize the potential that was inside of them the whole time and ascend to a new level to overcome the obstacle...