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Javelin Throwing

Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 6Total Scenes: 39 I’m officially in the Inciting Incident, 3/4 of the way through it, in fact. I’ve got what happened and the reaction to it. Now I just need my distant second storyline to have its moment and I’ll be...

Working Hard

Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 33It wasn’t a fruitless night, though! As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve made it to the Inciting Incident, the Match for my story. At major moments in the story (about every eighth of the book), I want to weave...

Want vs. Need

Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 11Total Scenes: 33That’s a 50% increase! It doesn’t sound like much, but I feel like I have so little time to throw at writing right now that arranging that many scenes feels like a huge victory. More importantly, those 11...

Ceding Control

Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 1Total Scenes: 22 This doesn’t sound like much, but I’m taking it as a personal victory that I got ANY scenes arranged last night after posting my blog since I posted it after 11pm. It’s highly unusual that I...

My Head Friends

Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 4Total Scenes: 21 Work is so crazy right now that I’m not getting a whole lot of time to get scenes arranged. I had three major set pieces to get in place leading up to the Inciting Incident; one of those is now done. Two more and...