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Writing Update Nothing to see here. Yes, that’s TWO zero-scene days in a row. We’re going to fix that today. Reading Update Vengeful: 63%Perelandra: 49% I’m enjoying Perelandra quite a bit more than I did Out of the Silent Planet. I’m not sure...


Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 83 It finally happened. I had a zero-scene day. It’s been a while. Yesterday was kind of a crazy day and I fell asleep early. These things happen. The victory I AM taking in this is that I’ve stuck with my...


Writing Update Scenes Arranged: 5Total Scenes: 83 I made some progress yesterday but I have a few more scenes to put together to finish this “item” on the second eighth’s list. There are 7 more items after that. I’ve gotta start stringing them...

Detecting Structure

Writing Update Scenes Re-Arranged: 2New Scenes Arranged: 12Total Scenes: 78 Yesterday was a great day for scene arrangement. With the scene I had composed over the weekend, I was able to bang out a ton of scenes that brought a new character into the group. I’m...