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Comparison Guilt

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 6Total Scenes: 124 I’m officially into the Key Event. There are two major plot lines at this point in the book (there’ll be three by the end when one diverges at the Midpoint) so it takes two chapters to lay them both...

A Moment for Stargazing

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 8Total Scenes: 118 The last chapter before the First Plot Point/Key Event is in place. Hopefully today I’ll be able to dive into the two chapters that are going to kick off the conflict in earnest. My head-friends are about...

Character = Plot

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 0Total Scenes: 110 Yesterday was all over the place, BUT I was able to figure out a major plot thread that’s going to weave through at least three books (including the current) as well as a major characterization point and...

The Importance of Knowing Why

Drawing from the Well Scenes Arranged: 8Total Scenes: 110 Remember how I said Meibor’s scenes were the most difficult to write? Well, it’s more like the first domino is the heaviest. Once that goes down, the rest falls into place. I also had a couple of...

Vonnegut Advice #7

A Note From The Well I mentioned recently that I wanted to change the heading titles in my blog. This is primarily because I want to expand my “creative consumption” to include TV in addition to reading. Now everything is directed at the well, which I...