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Character Layering

Drawing from the Well Yeah, another day with nothing. Again. Last night’s blog took FOREVER to write and by the time I was finished, I was wiped. Once this is posted, though, I’m diving into a query and mapping some scenes. I had this post ready to publish...


Drawing from the Well Nada. A whole week of nada. After I post this, I’m going to dive into a query and then hopefully map a few scenes. I’ve got to crack this dry spell, but work has been draining the best parts of my energy this week. I’m happy...


Drawing from the Well It’s getting bad. It’s been way too many days since I’ve queried or mapped. Today? Maybe. I’m caught up so after-hours work should be at a minimum. We’ll see what happens tonight. Filling the Well 1984:...

Support Structure

Drawing from the Well STILL nothing. That said, I’m finally catching up on things so I should be able to get some writing in soon. I’m hoping tonight, but might not be until tomorrow. However, that’s not stopping new ideas from percolating. I’m...

Blog Catalog

# Date SeriesTitle110/4/15Post Zero210/5/15Writing a Novel in 30 Minutes a Day – Day 1310/5/15Writing a Novel in 30 Minutes a Day – Day 2410/5/15Critters Workshop510/6/15Critiquery610/6/15Work in the Way710/30/15It’s Been a While811/1/15NaNoWriMo Has...