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2020 Year in Review – Part 3

And then there was the human element. Surviving from the Well After 2020, I think this is an appropriate new title for what I used to call Well Chat, so we’re going with it. We’ve talked about reading. We’ve talked about writing. Now, for some...

2020 Year in Review – Part 2

Among the minefield that was 2020, I did a LOT of writing. Let’s get into it. Drawing from the Well As I said in Part 1, the Well was in high gear in ’20. Today, however, we cover the output. So how much did I really get done? Well, when we started 2020, I...

2020 Year in Review – Part 1

2020 was a lot. I think that is a safe statement for every person on the planet. Last year, my Year in Review post was singular. This year, I want to cover it in three parts: Reading, Writing, and Personal. We experienced a lot in every arena. To that end, let’s...

August was Awesome!

Drawing from the Well Eighth EighthChapter 69/83119,776 Words (90.22% Complete) Draft 0 HarvestingFirst Read-ThroughDevelopmental EditCharacter EditFine Detail EditLine EditEdit Out Loud Read-ThroughProofreading and Spell CheckFinal Read-Through Yes, we’re still...

Back in Session

It’s been a long time, so let’s get into it. Drawing from the Well Seventh EighthChapter 66/83107,928 Words (82.15% Complete) Why are we back in this format? Because I’m most of the way through the massive Second Draft. I have a big fat editing...