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Drawing from the Well Let’s break down what I’ve been working on. I’m still in the Book III Outline. I know; this one’s taking me a while. It was more ambitious than I originally thought and that has been scary and daunting which has fed into...

What’s With All the Numbers?

Drawing from the Well As I mentioned in my brief message two weeks back, I have been dealing with my grandfather’s passing. I just got home from a week with my dad which was good for both of us. During that time, I’ve also been stabilizing and putting...

Short Hiatus

My 93-year-old grandfather passed away today so I’ll be on hiatus from the blog for a couple of weeks. Please pray for my family in this trying time. Thank you for the support. Be back soon. May the tide carry you to safer shores. BSG

Forever Dying Tomorrow

Drawing from the Well Last time we talked, I gushed over my progress on my platform, website, and newsletter. Next steps were my back blurb, LLC, and publication season. Well, two outta three ain’t bad (the LLC is still unformed, if you’re wondering). So...

Eyes On Your Own Paper

Drawing from the Well My focus recently has been on platform and publication. I bought my website domain and started compiling the materials to re-launch my website. I’m really excited to get it going but it’s going to take a little bit yet to finish...