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Entitled is a tricky word. It carries a lot of connotations with it. Today, we’re going to focus on the more positive end of the word, even if the message is a little bit darker. Strap in. It’s going to be interesting. Sorry I’ve been out the last...
Revisited Recap

Revisited Recap

I know I said last week was the last post of this series, but I thought after such a long time revisiting old advice, it was worth having a Revisited Recap. We’ll chat about it below. In personal news, things are pretty wild around here. My youngest is about to...
Who I Am Now

Who I Am Now

Every so often, you have to take a long, hard look in the mirror and assess, “Who I am now.” Granted, this is always going to be a loaded question. We’re going to dig into it a little today, though, as far as where I stand and how much more I have...
Reflection and Why

Reflection and Why

Sorry for my longer absence this time. The last few weeks have been A LOT. I missed a blog, then we were preparing to leave town for multiple reasons, and then when we returned we hit the ground running with a huge event that took a full day prior to prepare for. It...
Flow State

Flow State

Finding flow state is so important to me and yet it has eluded me for a while now. I find it most often when I’m drafting, but it is so useful when I slip into it during editing. I find the most useful nuggets during that time. This last week had a lot going on...