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Who Am I As a Writer?

Drawing from the Well It has been an outstanding writing period lately, and not just for Book III. Let’s start with outside-writing news. I got the second proof of my website this week and it looks good. There are still some tweaks to make and some integration...

Learning Who You Are As a Writer

I want to apologize right off the bat for not getting a blog out last week. After Mother’s Day, we had some family travel that essentially ate my week. We’re back on schedule now, though. Thanks for coming back. EDIT: And then I was a day later after that!...

Why Does Your Writing Process Matter?

Drawing from the Well I really thought I did more than how things look now at the end of the week, but here we are. I’m close to the end of Aron and Uma’s arc so it’s about to get really exciting as I charge into the climax. I also did a little Round...

Writing Process: Plantsing

Drawing from the Well Writing-wise, this was not the most successful week. Since my last post, I’ve only written 3,138 words. Yes, that’s even worse than at last week’s post. I get it. I can’t have a written book if I don’t get up and...

Writing Process: Pantsing

Drawing from the Well Unlike my last blog, it’s been a fair writing week. Now, I wouldn’t yet classify it as good, but there’s a definite uptick in production. I’ve cracked 60k with 5,913 words written between blog posts. It hasn’t been...