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Resisting the Vice

Resisting the Vice

This week has been a rough one. I have been resisting the vice all week. I’ll get into what I mean by that below. Just know, writing is always on my mind even if I can’t get my hands on it. Thanks for the support. Drawing from the Well As you could guess...
Character Profiles

Character Profiles

Happy Martin Luther King Day! Before I get into the latest with me and talking about how I approach Character Profiles, I just want to implore you to do some good today. Whether it is helping someone out, buying someone’s meal, or volunteering serving meals, do...
The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

Now that I’ve reviewed how last year went (pretty well, I’d say), it’s time to look at the year ahead of us. I have a couple of writing goals in mind so we’ll get into those below. What it boils down to is that I have a lot of work ahead of...
It’s Been Too Long

It’s Been Too Long

2022 has come and gone and I realized that in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s been too long since I posted a blog entry. I have to apologize for letting this lapse for three weeks. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and end to the year. 2023 is a...
Dealing with Disappointment

Dealing with Disappointment

The last two weeks have been a roller coaster. My last blog post left off with the exciting advent of my book tour. Now, on the other side of it, I find myself dealing with disappointment in a few minor ways. I sold books, yes, but I had high hopes. We’ll get...